
Showing posts from November, 2018

Supply Chain

It should be known that parts shortages are typically caused by a much larger problem and recognising this is the first step to an effective strategy and overall prevention. Typical problems that are the cause of parts shortages include failing to remedy certain supplier issues, poor forecasting, bad management of order tracking, the wrong parameters or poor to none visibility of the supply chain . Whatever the actual cause is must be addressed as quick as possible and effectively in order to prevent and resolve parts shortages expeditiously. Having parts shortages occur is not good for overall production at all. A conscious and effective supply line strategy is absolutely necessary. To find out more about how Wekaba Engineering can assist with your Supply Chain contact them now.


Precision engineering is defined as a wide range of services incorporated into designing and engineering anything that requires accuracy, or precision, in its creation. It encompasses problem solving, the development of new types of production methods and turns theory into reality. Regarded as a sub-discipline of mechanical; electrical and optical engineering among others, precision engineering focuses on designing machines; fixtures and various types of structures with very high tolerances. It is done in a manner that is repeatable and rather stable over time. Modern day life sees precision designed and engineered parts in almost anything that has been engineered. From components in your car engine to your home or office, there are precision components almost everywhere. Precision engineering can be explained as the entire process of creating these parts, or components, through design, development, testing and manufacturing. To find out more about Precision Engineering contact W


Machine engineered parts are made by a machine of some sort and are made to have a purpose. The parts are made to specifications because they are meant to fit into an assembly and function for their purpose. Before the inception of machines and innovative ideas from inventors, most parts or items that needed parts were handmade and therefore unique. Machine engineered parts are now, however, mass produced which makes them more cost effective because of the time saved as well as the fact that specific parts are made to be precise and exactly the same. This allows for interchangeability which means one part can be easily replaced without having to compromise the entire assembly. Different manufacturers have adopted the same specification for each specific part so that it can fit and work alongside other parts. This means it is also not necessarily difficult to come by a part needed when it needs to be replaced. To find out more about Machine Engineered Parts contact Wekaba Engineeri


Parts are vital to the supply chain and a shortage of them can be detrimental and a frustrating ordeal. Usually, parts shortages happen during standard lead times of the components needed and almost always stop production immediately. These days, various parts are sourced from around the world which leads to extra time and more possible delays in receiving parts within an expected time frame. Almost everyone involved with production will want the parts shortage to be resolved as soon as possible. This includes everyone from the CEO, the entire chain of management and the production staff all the way to the customer. Basically, everyone wants and even needs the parts immediately in order to continue with business at hand. There are a vast number of reasons why parts shortages occur but there are a large number of actions that are possible to take in order to mitigate their occurrence too. Parts shortages don’t have to happen regularly granted there is an effective supply line strategy

Machine Engineered Components

  Machine engineered components first began being manufactured in the late 18th Century when standardized weapons were promoted and manufactured to be precise. Before this time, weapons such as guns were made by gunsmiths who created each one to be unique and each was made one at a time by hand. If one part of a gun needed to be replaced then the entire weapon needed to be replaced or custom repaired by an expert gunsmith. This is why it became easier and far more cost effective to use a system of interchangeable machine engineered components which were machine made in order to be exactly the same and precise. Engineering of various kinds may have begun centuries ago but it was the Industrial Revolution that changed this for good. Today, almost everything is made up of parts that are machine engineered and interchangeable.  To get more information on our Machine Engineered Components contact Wekaba Engineering today.